Tuesday, August 29, 2006


It was Mum's birthday yesterday, 28 Aug. She didn't realise it and I almost forgot, if not for a survey that she was doing.

My mum's only dream is to watch us wear our graduation gowns and collect our degree scrolls. 2 down, 1 to go. I've always admired mum's innovativeness and wondered how come I never inherited that. Or her sewing skills... Or learned how to cook soups. =P

She picked up my mini project just now and said:“你缝的啊?不会散啊? 这边好像不平的。。。” Then she picked up a ruler and measured. Maybe that's where my perfectionist side comes from. (Btw, it was even. Ha. =P)

Happy 49th birthday to Mum,
though you can't remember your own birthday... =)

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