Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Boy meets Girl...

Just came home. Having yesterday's soup for dinner. Yum yum... ^ ^ Or should I be upset that yesterday's leftovers were waiting for me at home? =P Anyway, mum didn't let me have much soup. She read somewhere the other day that drinking too much soup late at night isn't good for digestion. =/

Went for purpose-driven shopping with Princess just now. Walked round the bookstore before I asked the information counter if they had the book. I only gave the title and the sales exec said, "By Joshua Harris?" I was amazed. I bought myself my fourth book on relationships. =P

Well... actually my first one - "The Everything Dating Book" was a gift for my 21st birthday from my two best guy buddies. I shall now admit to have only flipped through the book and not read it from cover to cover.

The second and third... are by the Peases. I bought them in Bhutan. Why Bhutan? Cos they cost me just S$10 each there. =P I remember from my JC days how I used to stand in the bookstore and read bits of it cos the books are so funny! =) Anyway, sad to say, since I got them on my v-day trip to Bhutan, I haven't read them at all. I guess cos I didn't really see a need to read them then, except for light hearted reading when I felt like it.

This book that I bought today was recommended by a friend, who had gotten a recommendation from someone else. Really should thank someone else. I read the preface on my way home and it inspired me to think about the way I handle relationships...

I feel tired... Maybe I should just have an early night. =)

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