Sunday, February 22, 2009

4 h left...

before I have to drop off "-bound" from the blog name.

I'm finally going. Moving out of sorts (of sorts cos the bulk of the efforts of my years of hoarding are still here). Too bad I forgot that my sis was going on holiday this weekend. Oh well.

It's really not the prolonged goodbye yet... I'm pretty certain I'll be back in 3 weeks time on my way to KL.

I was frantically trying to pack the personal belongings in my office yesterday... Thank goodness for the sister's ever trusty BF - who drove down to the office to pick me up. Of all days, I forgot to bring a thumbdrive to transfer all my docs from the desktop to thumbdrive. Thank goodness for Simon (formerly in Paris, and I met for the first time last night) who had one to lend me.

Thank goodness for all of you who are reading my blog... cos I don't really publicise it, so if you're reading it, you must be one of my close friends. Hope to see you guys again soon!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


more days before I fly. Started packing the remainder of my clothes. Will pack the rest on Sat night, together with the shoes. Not sure how much more stuff I'll need to pack. Must remember to bring the relevant documents home from office one of these days.

Panicking a little inside cos I really don't think I can finish filing. Maybe I shld stay over in the office to try and finish... But after what the Boss said about our building being haunted... hmmm...

In other news, got my new camera! It's wonderful!

Friday, February 06, 2009


by something so my right eyelid is swelling? Not sure... Hope it quells soon.

Went to the Nike warehouse sale yesterday! Madness! All these women stacking themselves against the table and grabbing everything in sight, then staying there to wait for the staff to replenish stock. For the first time, I felt dizzy and faint from going to a warehouse sale. Managed to walk away with two dry-fit tees, a pair of shorts, a pair of capris and two pairs of socks. Everything was just $20 each except the socks which were $5 each.

Got my pre-trip vaccinations yesterday. Didn't manage to get what I thought would be the most important one - the Rabies jab, because there wasn't enough time before I fly to finish the course. You camels better stay away from me!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

The Energetic Doer that is me

Results from one of those E/I, S/N, T/F, P/J tests:

Take the free personality test!

According to the test, "I am an excellent diplomat and negotiator, and especially when I need to convince others of an idea and - literally or figuratively - sell something on somebody." Guess I'm in the right line of work.

I think the description of me from the relationship aspect is pretty accurate too. =P

Monday, February 02, 2009

They came, they saw, they packed...

In less than an hour, the movers packed about $15k worth of stuff into 16 boxes, or approx 80 cubic feet in volume. My allowance is 90 so I was quite surprised that I came so close. Didn't realise I had that much stuff.

Felt a bit sad as they stuffed my kitties into the boxes. I'm not going to see them for a month or more. Wished I hugged them a bit more before they left.

Apart from the kitties, some of the stuff that are being shipped are:
  1. my San Guo Yan Yi - compulsory reading in Sec 3. we would get tested on the content to see if we really read it. I think I might re-read it when I get there, although I think I'll need the dictionary (which I didn't ship because I think Mum needs to refer to it every now and then).
  2. DD's snooker cue - it's got a name, which evades me. DD named it after his favourite snooker player.
  3. Indonesian dinnerware - worth $400, DD won it at the first D&D we went to.
  4. Wedding picture - It's been in a box since the wedding and I can't remember what colour the frame is. I think it's brown.
  5. PC & speakers - sponged them off my brother. hehe... SIMS 3 is going to be out later this month!!!!!!!!!
  6. Badminton racket - ditto. He used to be on the school team but he doesn't play now anyway, so I asked him for it. hehe...
  7. Clothes hangers - just a few. Don't think I took enough, but Qi's wardrobe is ever expanding so she probably needs them here anyway.
  8. 3/4 of my scrapbooking supplies - Initially, I thought of checking in the whole lot when I fly, but it really is quite heavy.

Cya in a month, my 16 boxes of stuff... Hope all of you make it there in one piece. *wave*

Pack, Pack, Pack...

Today was vouchers consumption day. Since the movers are coming tomorrow, I went out to buy whatever else I needed to ship over to AD.

Dragged my sister and her bf w me to IKEA and bought bowls, a picture frame and a laundry basket amounting to $84. Then used up my Best Denki vouchers with a hair dryer and food processor. Spent 2 hrs at Best Denki (in addition to an hour/week for the last two weeks) wondering what to buy.

Packed for the last two hours. Packed half my scrapbook stuff in. Must remember to pack my photos in too. Those that I developed before the PC crashed. Haven't had time to put them into albums, or buy albums for that matter. I think I developed them more than a year ago... =P

So hard to fill up the packing list. Had drawn up an excel spreadsheet to help me calculate the worth of my stuff. By my estimate, my books (comprising mostly DD's Neil Gaiman/Stephen King books and art books we bought on our honeymoon) cost $1200. Quite surprised that they cost so much. Means my clothes will probably cost more (forgot to count them by type before I packed them into my suitcase).

I hope I don't forget anything... at least nothing bulky. 3 more weeks to go...