Friday, February 06, 2009


by something so my right eyelid is swelling? Not sure... Hope it quells soon.

Went to the Nike warehouse sale yesterday! Madness! All these women stacking themselves against the table and grabbing everything in sight, then staying there to wait for the staff to replenish stock. For the first time, I felt dizzy and faint from going to a warehouse sale. Managed to walk away with two dry-fit tees, a pair of shorts, a pair of capris and two pairs of socks. Everything was just $20 each except the socks which were $5 each.

Got my pre-trip vaccinations yesterday. Didn't manage to get what I thought would be the most important one - the Rabies jab, because there wasn't enough time before I fly to finish the course. You camels better stay away from me!

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