Sunday, February 22, 2009

4 h left...

before I have to drop off "-bound" from the blog name.

I'm finally going. Moving out of sorts (of sorts cos the bulk of the efforts of my years of hoarding are still here). Too bad I forgot that my sis was going on holiday this weekend. Oh well.

It's really not the prolonged goodbye yet... I'm pretty certain I'll be back in 3 weeks time on my way to KL.

I was frantically trying to pack the personal belongings in my office yesterday... Thank goodness for the sister's ever trusty BF - who drove down to the office to pick me up. Of all days, I forgot to bring a thumbdrive to transfer all my docs from the desktop to thumbdrive. Thank goodness for Simon (formerly in Paris, and I met for the first time last night) who had one to lend me.

Thank goodness for all of you who are reading my blog... cos I don't really publicise it, so if you're reading it, you must be one of my close friends. Hope to see you guys again soon!

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