Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Have you ever found yourself at the crossroads... and faced with two houses in front of you?

The one on your left looks like your dream house but there's something about it that leaves you wondering if it's warm or cold inside.

The one on your right... doesn't look much like your dream house but you know for sure that it's warm and cosy.

Which would you choose?

我想要的, 想做的, 你比誰都了
你想說的, 想給的, 我全都知道
未接來電, 沒留言, 一定是你孤單的想念
任何人都, 猜不到, 這是我們的暗號

他們猜, 隨便猜, 不重要
連上彼此的訊號, 才有個依靠
有太多人, 太多事, 夾在我們之間咆哮
雜訊太多訊號弱, 就連風吹都要干擾

想吹風, 想自由, 想要一起手牽手
去看海, 繞世界流浪

別管那是非, 只要我們感覺對
別離開身邊, 擁有你我的世界才能完美

你說你想逃開鬆手, 愛太累愛得不自由
你停止收訊號, 我開始搜尋不到
到底有誰知道, 是幾點鐘方向, 你才會收到暗號

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