Thursday, June 02, 2005

Meet Mr Trottier

I found this absolutely hilarious.
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as u can see, Mr Trottier walks around with his Cow head in a suit every day. Well... not all the time, cos sometimes he wears his whole Cow costume. [photo taken in the walk-in wardrobe/washroom of the new Goss family home: 2 Wisteria Lane]

He graduated with honours so they finally got married! He doesn't want to get engaged to Jordan anymore, although he wants to flirt with her but fears getting caught cheating. -_- For some reason, Lynette and Ray both want to join the military. Anyway, Lynette is expecting their first child aka the Gosses' first grandchild!

Will Ray get caught cheating? or will Angela the Flirt get caught cheating? IS ANYONE GOING TO GET CAUGHT CHEATING?!?!? Stay tuned for the next episode of *echoey voice* "FAIRVIEW AFFAIRS" *echo echo echo*...

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