Sunday, June 19, 2005

Long awaited Episode XI!

YES! you can read all about it here!

Update: the 3 gals are all in college... well... they WERE in college for the whole of today.

Susan - black hair, Ms Fortune
Gabi - blonde, Ms Popular
Bree - orange hair, Family Girl

They all studied different majors, although i don't remember which ones cos i just threw dice and tikam tikam. I think Bree is in pol science, which is what her grandma Angela did! Remember Mr Jones? Yes yes, the prof whom Angela was dating in Uni but dumped for Dominique and i was hoping to matchmake him with Lynette (angela's daughter) but they had a falling out and she married Ray Trottier instead? Black hair, tan guy... Well... he's Bree's professor now, and they fell in love and she wanted to get engaged to him... so they did!!! So Bree, the youngest of the lot decided on her guy first! She still wishes that her first love George could join her in college, but alas, it is not to be...

Gabi the blonde wants to have 10 best friends! sorry... but looking at how crowded her family is, i really don't think she can manage 10 best friends. So Gabi had already gotten to know Mitch, the Fireman. How? well... let's just say SOMEONE left some food on the stove for too long and a Knight in Red armour came to her rescue. =P Seeing her younger sis getting engaged so quickly made Ms Popular panic, so she got engaged to Mitch. Oh joy! I heard he's a family man so they should be happy together!

Susan... all she thinks of is to sell masterpieces, which are worth between 550- 607 simoleons. Yes, that's the Sims currency. Not dollars, not cents, but simoleons. I was starting to get worried about her. Her social circle is SOOOO limited being the money-minded gal that she is. Cute guys already taken - the Fireman, the young prof... She couldn't get hold of the manservant (i think they're short in supply - i keep getting Lucy or Kayleen, the well endowed French maids). The repairman is too old, the bartender... well... erms... AND THEN I REMEMBERED THE GARDENER! well... she wanted flowers and shrubs anyway. turns out that the garderner Leo is quite the cutie. In my personal opinion, the cutest of the lot and my sis was wondering, "what's a farmer doing here?" lol...

So they all got engaged AND graduated! Bree WANTS to throw a wedding party = she wants to get married! Susan wants to get into a CRIMINAL career *gasps*. Crime really doesn't pay, Ms Fortune. She also wants to marry a rich sim, but i don't think the gardener makes much. Gabi... like her gramps, wants to serve the country - it's military or police for her. i wonder... if Gabi becomes a cop, and Susie becomes a criminal, will they end up in conflict? *gasps*

Does Prof Jones still love Angela? Does Angela still love Prof Jones? Can Bree be happy with her grandma's ex? Will Grampa Dominique get pissed off? WILL SUSAN DUMP LEO FOR A RICH GUY??? WILL SUSAN AND GABI FACE OFF?!?! Tune in next Sunday night for the next exciting episode of...

Fairview Affairs *fairs fairs fairs*...

1 comment:


Aiyoh so sick! Grandma's EX?!?! But she'll inherit a fortune when he dies, which will prob be soon? haha...Oh then can have some Infernal Affairs thing between S & G!