Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Secured my pay!
Thanks to all those who have helped me along and shown concern during the 4 years!
Life in NUS would have been unbearable without all of u guys around! *muacks*
Meaning you people!
life sci kakis: peo, HD, SE, SL and ULTIMATE LIU SONG REN FAN IN SINGAPORE, ed, SM, geri, ah soh's pal and Jam.
lab folks: CH, ZH, HH, Jasmine, LX, BK, ZJ, Winston, Alan, BZ and of course, AMY!!! (although i know u guys don't surf my blog. -_-)
hyperjive folks
and the gang (no need to list lar hor? =P).
Sims 2
the hunt for the perfect pair of shoes is going nowhere. i have concluded that i'm not going to find it in tampines so i'll be extending my search to orchard on wed. fitting everywhere that i need to go to in as few days as possible to save on transport costs. GOING UP AGAIN! and sigh, MFA isn't the most convenient place to work in, still got to take mrt and bus. don't know if i have to continue to walk up the hill the long way... and found out where ms dreamer's workplace is! looks quite far from the map. =P
less than 11 hours to finding out how my last exams were... hoping for B+ for all except tumour, which i am hoping for a B-. sigh...
aki finished her section of the report! and i haven't finished my part yet! but actually hor, since we (spinky and i) have done a presentation on the tour, do we still need to write one? but good for keepsake! =)
sister is trying to decide on where/whether to go for hols before the new semester starts again. choices: hong kong, taiwan, gold coast. told her go hong kong next year, when disney opens. but she say go ocean park AND disney? isn't that weird? so i say what's so weird about that? the gang is contemplating going tokyo AND hong kong next year and visit both disneylands! haha... so i told her go gold coast.
joke of the day: she asked me for australia's weather so i asked her to check the weather forecast in today's newspaper.so ST has a map to indicate weather right? she was looking for australia and asked "eh? where is it ah? this one right?" POINTING AT EAST MALAYSIA/KALIMANTAN before realising that "eh... the shape like wrong hor..." OMG. my sister doesn't know where australia is but is contemplating going there. is she really going to be ok traveling w her friends? i wonder...
Saturday, May 28, 2005
From Ralphie's Blog.
1. You work very odd hours.
2. You are paid a lot of money to keep your client happy.
3. You are paid well but your pimp gets most of the money.
4. You spend a majority of your time in a hotel room.
5. You charge by the hour but your time can be extended.
6. You are not proud of what you do.
7. Creating fantasies for your clients is rewarded.
8. It’s difficult to have a family.
9. You have no job satisfaction.
10. If a client beats you up, the pimp just sends you to another client.
11. You are embarrassed to tell people what you do for a living.
12. People ask you, "What do you do?" and you can't explain it.
13. Your client pays for your hotel room plus your hourly rate.
14. Your client always wants to know how much you charge and what they get for the money.
15. Your pimp drives nice cars like Mercedes or Jaguars.
16. Your pimp encourages drinking and you become addicted to drugs to ease the pain of it all.
17. You know the pimp is charging more than you are worth but if the client is foolish enough to pay it's not your problem.
18. When you leave to go see a client, you look great, but return looking like hell (compare your appearance on Monday AM to Friday PM).
19. You are rated on your "performance" in an excruciating ordeal.
20. Even though you get paid the big bucks, it's the client who walks away smiling.
21. The client always thinks your "cut" of your billing rate is higher than it actually is, and in turn, expects miracles from you.
22. When you deduct your "take" from your billing rate, you constantly wonder if you could get a better deal with another pimp.
23. Your pimp seams to often abuse you, forgetting that without you, he would not have a business.
24. You do all the real work, but the pimp has a higher status and more money, and really just has to "coordinate" the work for you. Sometimes, you wonder if you could just make more money pimping out yourself.
25. You get so brainwashed into the lifestyle, that you don't realize that life can be better, until it is too late.
26. Personal time, or a work/life balance, is meaningless to your pimp, all he cares about is satisfying the clients, despite how many times he tells you he loves you.
27. After a few years, you find that all your non-prostitute friends are no longer your friends, because you lost touch and your schedule and lifestyle was difficult to manage, and you find that you associate primarily with other prostitutes.
28. The turnover rate is ridiculously high. Everyone thinks they can do it for a few years, no problem, but after just a few clients railing you, many break under the pressure, or quit for a better life.
29. Most of the time, your job could be performed by a well-trained monkey.
30. You thought college was a waste of time.
i'm a ENFJ(Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging)! i remember the last i took, i was a ENT(Thinking)J and in JC, was I(Introverted)NTJ...
Enneagram test
I'm primarily a Type 1: Reformer. (http://www.9types.com/descr/1/)
World View: The world is an imperfect place. I work toward improvement.
Basic Desire: to be right
Basic Fear: of being condemned
The Perfectionist (the One)
Perfectionists are realistic, conscientious, and principled. They strive to live up to their high ideals.
How to Get Along with Me
- Take your share of the responsibility so I don't end up with all the work.
- Acknowledge my achievements.
- I'm hard on myself. Reassure me that I'm fine the way I am.
- Tell me that you value my advice.
- Be fair and considerate, as I am.
- Apologize if you have been unthoughtful. It will help me to forgive.
- Gently encourage me to lighten up and to laugh at myself when I get uptight, but hear my worries first.
What I Like About Being a One
- being self-disciplined and able to accomplish a great deal
- working hard to make the world a better place
- having high standards and ethics; not compromising myself
- being reasonable, responsible, and dedicated in everything I do
- being able to put facts together, coming to good understandings, and figuring out wise solutions
- being the best I can be and bringing out the best in other people
What's Hard About Being a One
- being disappointed with myself or others when my expectations are not met
- feeling burdened by too much responsibility
- thinking that what I do is never good enough
- not being appreciated for what I do for people
- being upset because others aren't trying as hard as I am
- obsessing about what I did or what I should do
- being tense, anxious, and taking things too seriously
Ones as Children Often
- criticize themselves in anticipation of criticism from others
- refrain from doing things that they think might not come out perfect
- focus on living up to the expectations of their parents and teachers
- are very responsible; may assume the role of parent
- hold back negative emotions ("good children aren't angry")
Ones as Parents
- teach their children responsibility and strong moral values
- are consistent and fair
- discipline firmly
Perfectionists see anger as a character flaw and repress it.
Self-Preservation Ones: "Worried and Anxious"
- Hardly a minute goes by when I'm not worrying about something: my finances, job security, the condition of the world, or little things such as what to buy for dinner.
- Changes in routine make me anxious.
- I may stay in an inappropriate or unsatisfying job for years rather than undergo the anxiety of looking for something new that I might like.
- I feel as if one error could ruin everything.
- I assess every last detail in advance in order to keep my life perfect and under control. When I finish worrying about myself, I worry about whether my loved ones are going to be safe and sound.
- I often imagine that someone is checking up on me or scrutinizing and criticizing everything I do.
- I frequently compare myself to other people, correct myself a lot, and apologize -- or feel that I should apologize.
- Sometimes I procrastinate because I'm afraid to make a mistake.
Relational Ones: "Insecure and Jealous"
- I tend to be overly possessive.
- I worry that my loved one will reject me for a more attractive or perfect person.
- I obsessively compare myself with others.
- When my partner or friend makes a positive comment about another person, such as, "He is a great cook," I get upset and think she means I am not a great cook.
- I feel ashamed and insecure when I experience boiling anger or jealousy. Sometimes I act overly enthusiastic or positive to cover up the feelings I think are improper.
- I become indignant when someone who doesn't deserve it gets honored or promoted or doesn't have to worry as much as I do about earning a Living.
- I like the intensity of being fully and passionately engaged with another person.
- I try to get my partner to meet my high standards and expectations in order to make him or her -- and our life together -- better.
Social Ones: "Adaptable or Unadaptable"
- Sometimes I defend what I believe in so adamantly, it puts me on the outs with people.
- There are times when I really want to reform something or someone, but I quietly simmer rather than rock the boat. It's important to try to get along.
- I've been accused of being unyielding, but I deliberate carefully and thoroughly in forming my opinions and can see no reason to change them.
- I believe in cooperation, but I will not go along with anything that is completely against my principles.
- When people don't perform up to my standards, I feel I must set them straight.
- I am drawn to groups that share my ideals, but sometimes I end up overworking because the others don't get things done right. I often feel resentful and have to leave.
One in Love
Living with Ones:
- Do remember details. Ones are detail conscious. They appreciate small gestures: being on time, remembering names, proper introductions.
- Speak respectfully. Make sure no one looks foolish. Ask for permission.
- Compliment thrift, effort, and dependability. Don't expect compliments in return.
- Cultivate your character. Set improvement goals. Don't flaunt your achievements.
- Admit error immediately. Admission clears the air and prevents resentment.
- Bring novelty and fun to relating. Ones tend to repeat the known.
- Avoid power struggles. Ones need to be right. There are at least two right ways.
- Maintain your own interests. Ones work long hours on their own.
- Humor is especially helpful. Worry vanishes with gentle humor.
- Ones perfect relationships. "What are our responsibilitites?" "What are we learning?" "What does right relating mean?" Ethics of relating are reviewed.
- Scorched-earth policy. If the relationship develops a negative aspect, Ones think about calling the whole thing off. Relationships seem either black or white.
- Once committed and convinced, Ones dig in. Extremely loyal. Value a family.
- Guilt. Pleasure signals anxiety: lightning may strike if we're having fun.
One at Work
In the Workplace:
- Likes specific guidelines and schedules. Loopholes are traumatic.
- Practical. Reshapes abstract approaches into step-by-step procedures.
- Likes schedules and accountability, knowing who's responsible for what.
- Keeps track of detail.
- Energy that could go to product may be diverted to details.
- Looks for evidence of ethical character -- discipline, manners, appearance, respect.
- Prefers doing over feeling. Wants to focus on work rather than work relationships.
- Aware of critical points about a program but has a hard time proposing broad solutions. Too much room for error.
- Secure in a formal role. Wants to respect hierarchy and authority.
- Aware of the resume and the record. "Good people have a good history."
- Devoted to work for its own sake. Takes pleasure in a job well done.
- Works hard for the right cause, for the good leader, for the competent team.
- Compares own effort to others'. "If they work, I work. If they don't, I won't."
- Keeps score. Notes what others do right and wrong. Will defend others if they're in "the right." Airs the grudge list if they're in the wrong.
- Can mask sense of personal entitlement by working for a good cause. "I deserve respect and special treatment because I do good in the world."
- Wants rewards for effort and competence but will not ask. May displace resentment over nonrecognition onto details and petty interactions. Legitimizes hurt feelings by finding fault with others.
- Finds it hard to delegate responsibility. Worries about getting the job done right.
- Doesn't want to be compromised by the mistakes of others. Will hold a loner's stance until the source of error is assigned.
- Afraid to be wrong. Prone to power struggles and arguments about who's right.
- Shifts blame. "There was a reason," "It wasn't my fault."
- Avoids risk. Risk leads to mistakes. When in doubt, wait. Don't take chances.
- Strong advocate for those who work under a disadvantage or who improve as a result of personal effort.
Musical Baton
WAH... VOC put me top of her target list... lol. after i did it, here goes:
Total volume of music files on the laptop:
3.09GB, 640 songs. still doesn't beat GZ. may have one or two songs lurking outside the folder... don't own most of the songs, prob half belong to my sister (huge Ayu database =P)...
The last CD I bought was:
if i remember right... was a Valen Hsu compilation cd. too long ago. mebbe in sec school. i do remember the first that i bought: emil chau "xiao tian tang" (with EZ band) bought with MPH vouchers i won in sec 1!
Song playing right now:
nothing. but it would probably be Breakaway (kelly clarkson) or Without You (Kimberly Locke and Clay Aiken). makes me seem like a AI fan huh? but recently, Without You has been the song in my head.
Five songs that I listen to a lot, or mean a lot to me (in no particular order):
1. Angel by Sarah MacLachlan. listen to it whenever i feel down.
2. Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson. listen to it when i feel rebellious and cos i love Princess Diaries!
3. Feel by Robbie Williams. listen to it when i feel rebellious. love the beat.
4. To where you are by Josh Groban. I remember when i first heard him sing on Ally. OMG. it was so touching. in that episode, he sang it for his dead "mum" i think. then i saw him sing again at a mini concert and he dedicated it to all those people who's brothers etc are soldiers fighting in Iraq.
5. 我愿意 by 王菲. kept bugging Vin for the lyrics in sec sch but in the end, shu e gave it to me in my autograph book. why is it in this list? eh... i love faye wong's earlier works - breathy melancholic pieces. and i think this would be one song that i would wanna play at my wedding. haha...
Something irrelevant: just realised that out of the 5, only 1 chinese although i have greater exposure to chinese pop.
Five people I'm passing the baton to:
1. Prozac: cos u haven't replied to being targeted!
2. Spinky: cos u haven't replied to being targeted!
3. Vin: cos u haven't replied to being targeted!
4. Ms Dreamer: cos u haven't been targeted!
5. Xuxinli: cos u're the only one outside my groupies in my list of bloggers whom i think would reply to this. ha.
Friday, May 27, 2005
au revoir, my tresses!
however, halfway through my haircut, she had to go cut someone else's hair. wouldn't have been that bad if she hadn't left me there for HALF AN HOUR staring at myself in a huge mirror. i was ready to cry liao. looked damn "toot" cos she was only 3/4-way through. and the hair-dry girl sucks. lousy. let my hair fly all over my face.
when she came back and finished the job, it wasn't any more comforting. was looking for a more corporate look. told her that i was starting an admin job, but frankly, i think my hairstyle now is neither here nor there. mebbe i'm just not used to it. but i still wanna cry. doesn't help that i just watched the last episode of desperate housewives.
Thursday, May 26, 2005
felt compelled to comment on the totally screwed up soccer scene. of course it's heartwarming that benitez managed to pull his team together and win it (despite stoopid gerrard's chelsea antics). but MILAN??? how could they have let in 3 goals just like that? and they lost the league to Juve... sianz.
just hoping that chelsea doesn't win next season. can't stand their arrogance. will gerrard still go? will the reds get to defend their title? but damn unfair if they sacrifice everton to let liverpool play.
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Round 3... FIGHT!
3rd round of photo developing tmr! hopefully no more pixelated photos and size will be ok. spent ard $100 on photos and albums liao. =P
lessons learnt:
- digital photos cannot print 4R. half my face got cut off in one. must print "digital size". why the stupid 1st shop never warn me? they are suppose to be quite reputable some more... -_- or maybe 'cause they think all of their customers are pros at developing photos? grrr...
- carry more memory rather than use the minimum. you never know when your photos end up pixelated. always safer to pay for more memory, than to print smaller photos/reprint.
- high optical zoom is very useful for travel with tour group s! because sometimes the tour doesn't go TO where you want to go, but goes PAST it from far, only high optical zoom can catch it.
- fast shutter speed! very important if you are taking photos in freezing weather! if you don't mind panasonic, the OIS is prob really great for this. and new panasonic cams have higher optical zoom (6x)...
- don't know if it is just my canon: most photos look overexposed. -_- colours not as vivid as olympus. but it's still user-friendly so i still love my camera!
- speaking of which, realised that ixus night/indoor shots tend to be more blur if the flash is off. maybe compensating with higher ISO speeds would have helped to minimise the blur. hmmm... must remember to try next time.
Friday, May 20, 2005
developed my photos! picked out the ones i thought are nice... some turned out pixelated. think maybe they were taken at lower resolution even though larger photo size. not sure. pixelation not too obvious unless u stare at it in the day. anyway, don't know if i should start arranging photos now, or wait till after the full Japan Tour report emerges so that can write memories into the album too. =)
I AM STARTING WORK ON 13th JUNE! How exciting. decided that even if i do get offered the Venice Biennale internship, it would cause too much inconvenience to accept it - my dentist is also not too keen on me being away for too long at this point in treatment. Or maybe i'm just chicken - no guts to go italy by myself for 2 months. well, actually, don't even know if they are going to offer it to me or not but shall just be happy that i got an exciting career ahead of me...
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
somebody save me...
today: dentist visit
i was 10 min late for my dental appt today. got to the mrt station only to find that i brought the Japan wallet out so had to run home to get my regular wallet n rush to Orchard. why did i bring the wrong wallet? cause some people like to mess with other people's things without thinking/telling the other person.
usually when it rains, there's a traffic jam because cars slow down to avoid accidents. traffic jam at the dentist's too. he was 40 min behind schedule today. as i was sitting in the waiting area, came across today's horoscope in Life: your unselfish acts will be repaid 8 times over. so was wondering if the dentist being later than me was a good thing, because that would mean that i wasn't really late so i didn't really cause the dentist any trouble. =P
anyway, my dentist thinks i'll do ok for my new career and that i'm an "ideal candidate based on the limited interaction" he has had with me. Aww... he also said that my braces will only be off ard 3rd or 4th quarter. =( had hoped to get it off by july (graduation) but i guess that's not likely. hopefully can get it off by my birthday...
just counted our japan photos! got abt 900+ from amongst the 3 of us... =P i think olympus cameras have more vivid colours, spinky n aki have very colourful photos of flowers! as the official ecological photographer for the trip, i am ashamed that my photos pale in comparison. literally. hope to get BK's photos tomorrow, then can start sorting out which ones to develop! then can buy a new album and hopefully get it ready by the next choir pals outing! =)
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
T&J's wedding!
took this at the wedding last night... the guy in the centre is the current DHS principal aka my physics teacher. he was one of the "brothers" while i was one of the "sisters" and we made him act as a pole for the groom to dance around! haha...
his daughter is so adorable rite? apparently she was trying so hard not to blink during the photo-taking that she blinked furiously after. =)

anyway, the morning started out as a potential mess cos:
- it was raining
- there was a traffic jam
- 2 bridesmaids with the "sweet" and the "hot" arrived at the hotel LATER than the groom's entourage
- the matchmaker's car broke down.
so fun! who's gonna get married next? can see why my cousin wants to be my bridesmaid... =)
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Proud new owner of a new cat!

We wanna go again next yr! prob in aug/sept! possibly hokkaido and tokyo or JUST TOKYO!!! SHOPPING TRIP! 真的是疯掉了!Just for shopping alone, we'll prob take up 4 days!
Singapore is so hot and humid!!! i miss the cold wind!
Caught up with my reality TV liao! AI4 down to 3 contestants! Survivor finale tmr! i can't believe ______ & ________ won the amazing race! what happened in 镜中人??? UPDATES! UPDATES!
Saturday, May 07, 2005
shall confess to being ultra blur (refer to pinvinbin blog for more details). we are in front of our gate! using the net!
i hope i don't lose anything... so blur me... haha...