Thursday, September 07, 2006

going to Lee Hom's concert!

Yes... after a brief chat with Spinky this morning, I bought my first ticket to a pop concert. =)

Was quite suay just now. I was leaving Suntec and the up-escalator at the overhead bridge to Citylink had broken down. So I had to climb up the stairs. After that, I came to the broken down down-escalator in Citylink. =/

We're having exercise later. Wonder if I'll be able to catch a taxi after that.

So blur. Just got a non-Friendster birthday reminder email and msged my friend thinking that it was her birthday today. When it's actually next Thursday. =P Must be the post-nap gong-ness. =P

Today, marks one month of singleness - well... semi-singleness. =P

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