Wednesday, November 24, 2004

i can't speel!

argh. misplelt DIETHYLSTILBESTEROL yesterday. short form: DES. i totally FORGOT that it has a short-form like that and i missed out the E component - ethyl. SIGH. failed to recognise the diketone structure too. would taking chemical bio have helped? ><

anyway, bad memory these days. struggle to memorise info. thurs paper is a 1 hr, 2 question paper. the CA for this module was relatively easy. will the final be the same? hard to say... sigh...

my back is getting scarred. years of avoiding pimples/acne is finally catching up w me. i don't think it's acne... pimples? dunno leh... i only know it's more bumpy than i remember it being a few years ago. cos of irritation due to my long hair?

speaking of which, thinking to do something abt my hair. should i perm it? been considering for a yr liao. =P but it seems too short for perming.... wanna cut it to less than shoulder length leh... but that's quite troublesome when it reaches the point when it's too short to tie, but too long and keeps the breeze out.

gotta go figure out what exactly the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium means now.

1 comment:


hey i think spa perm is nice. whatever u call it u know the kind that only the ends are permed? but that one must have long hair.

Anyway yah my memory is failing me more often now it cos more open book exams making my mind lazy? Or *gasp* we're aging?!