Wednesday, October 11, 2006


I meant to post this two days ago.

People have been asking me for my response to a decision that someone close had made, mainly if I was happy that the decision had gone this way, rather than that way.

I guess my first instinct when told of the decision that was to be made, was confusion. And I never really figured out why I was confused. Hence, when the decision had been made, I was just glad that it happened, rather than really think about its consequences.

Got myself a blog tracker recently, and saw some of the pages that led people to my blog... And I stumbled across some of my favourite old posts; like the ones of my dear cousins and the ones on my favourite movies/songs.

"Why do u think that everybody always think that relationships are suppose to last forever?" - I think that's a quote from "Before Sunrise". Which I had been watching by myself in 2004, when I should have been studying for my Hons yr Sem 1 exams. =P I remember wishing that I was watching it with someone, rather than by myself. Recently, yt commented that it (or Before Sunset) was the ultimate chick flick (i think).

"Are relationships meant to last forever? If they were, people won't have to break up, would they? Or were these people just thinking that they were in a relationship, and did not fully understand the definition of a "relationship"?

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