Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Missing my kitten...

Leaving Miumew home alone for extended period of time (now that I'm overseas and DD's at work most of the day) worries me. She's had a near fatal accident once. While we can try to kitty-proof the house, there are still many things that could endanger her without us realising. And she's a smart kitten. Someday she might find her way to the Hello Kitties and lions.

Miss playing with her, miss her confused look, miss the staring matches with her tilting her head to one side, miss having her pounce around on the bed, I even miss her biting me.

Sigh. In other news, two of my sec sch friends are taking part in Ms Singapore World. Such things kind of makes you wonder what you're doing with your life, doesn't it?

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