Friday, March 23, 2007

My last post was 2 days ago!

Inspired by Princess to blog.

My right eye got worse this morning. Thinking back on how it never used to hurt like this before they started "treating" my eye, I can't help but suspect malpractice somewhere... even like how they couldn't tell what was wrong with me till a whole month or more later? Or maybe it really hadn't been there then, and THEY caused the problem. hmmm....

Saw Gad, my part-time colleague from my previous dept, today. He commented that I looked different. I replied that "cos I'm no longer working under an oppressive boss!" Wonder if he took it as a joke or for real. =P

They offered DD something again. I don't really think as much on these issues as I probably should. I mean I did think a bit more about it after what DD said the other day, but I guess ultimately I believe that things will work out someway, somehow. =)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

It's that time of the month again...

I dread seeing the doctor. I get frustrated before I go and get depressed after I'm done.

Had to change my appointment today. So I called the call centre yesterday and they weren't very helpful. Told me to call the clinic directly. The nurse at the clinic was more helpful, but as evident from today's visit, she never passed my message. -_-

Because of the change in time slot, I didn't get to see the regular doctor (MT). I saw that doctor (DS) who discharged me the last time. DS was in a better mood today and was more patient in explaining my condition. Even he was surprised that I was going back to see them so regularly. I felt quite exasperated to hear that I have to return again next month and asked about whether I could get a referral letter to see a doc elsewhere e.g. SNEC. The conversation went something like this:

DS: even if you go to another doctor, they'll tell u the same thing.

me: even if I go SNEC? I've seen the most senior doctor in this clinic and she couldn't tell what was wrong with me.

DS: our doctors are from SNEC. Like Dr MT and Dr RL whom you had seen previously. They shuttle between the clinic there and here.

me: are you from SNEC?

DS: no.

Ah ha. Knew it. sheesh. Trying to bluff me. I went on to tell him that the nurses in this hospital DON'T EVEN KNOW that the clinic is affiliated to SNEC. And about how I have no confidence in this clinic or the hospital.

DS was nice enough to be patient and try to address my concerns... by telling me to come back again next month and ask the SNEC doctors whether I should get a referral or not.


Sunday, March 18, 2007

Almost a month since the last post!

Apologies. Haven't been blogging or reading blogs. Till yesterday, when DD mentioned that some ppl were avid readers of our blogs. Wonder if ppl have stopped reading after I haven't updated for so long?

A month into the new portfolio and I still let my old portfolio get to me. Found myself giving instructions to my former colleagues the other day. =P Don't really trust my sucessor also, especially after he took one month to handle something that I told him was of high priority. Don't like the way he kept putting in subject lines "FOR XX'S VIEWS PLEASE".

Struggling to keep up with my filing from my old portfolio too. Guess I should work out a schedule to file those old papers on a regular basis, before they haunt me.

In the meantime, for those who haven't heard, I've been disturbed by another co-worker. This guy spent office hours trying to get me to reply to him when he could be doing the work that he was supposed to do. Heard that he was loitering outside my office the day we all went for a retreat. Think he got reprimanded (or at least I hope he only got a warning) after I reported him. Hope it doesn't leave a deep mark in his career...