Tuesday, July 05, 2005


He has done it yet again. Everyone already said it's not for photocopying, but he thought he was doing a favour by photocopying 10 copies of everything. Now insisting that we were in the wrong - as usual.


in case i don't blog tmr, 2 MONTHS SINCE WE WENT JAPAN! OMG! still a bit unbelievable that we went! it really was incredibly fun... lovely weather, DISNEYLAND!!! next yr... next yr... next yr...


made a few boo boos at work today but boss was still very nice about it. Must be careful not to make more of such boo boos, but knowing how kan cheong i tend to get... hmmm...


my friend is experiencing quarter-life crisis of a sort, love life and career... Why don't ppl wanna get married and have kids? Fine if u really don't like kids and don't wanna have any, but marriage... Why would ppl not wanna get married if they really love/wanna be with each other? sigh... hope everything works itself out.

on the other end of the spectrum, found out that one of my friends is expecting! CONGRATULATIONS!!! and two of my friends FINALLY got together. Was quite obvious there was something between them from quite some time ago actually... =P

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