Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Rainy, but not washed out

DD's blogged about our Phuket trip, so I'll just add some points...

We waltzed at the slippery pavillion next to the pool when we first arrived at Twinpalms, in out tees, jeans and sneakers... Attracting the smile of a caucasian lady who walked past. =)

I dozed off for much of King Kong (2005) (yes, I missed the part where he fell from the Empire State Building), but the snow scene was lovely.

I fed many a mozzie at Rockfish, while we stared at the waves crashing on the beach. (Well, actually I think I stared at the wave more? Cos DD spent more time at the DS than I did at that time. =P) [Note: The restaurant is at the far end of Kamala Beach from Surin Beach.]

I think my favourite moment of the trip was the dancing. Cos it was totally spontaneous and it happened before my obsessive nature kicked in and I started wondering and planning what our next steps would be. =P

Yes, it was a holiday to remember. =)

nertia makes me cowardly. Cowardice makes me inert.

Disrupting my Phuket trip report posts with a quote from a friend's blog.

I feel the same way too. Especially when it comes to work. I feel like I'm not doing enough sometimes, yet I don't want to do more, for fear of losing the little "free" time that I have.

I guess it doesn't just apply to work. I find that I worry a lot about all sorts of things or want to do certain things, and yet I'm not doing anything to improve the situation.

Sometimes, I think I'm just tired.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Phuket - Pre-trip woes

Pre-trip woes:

  • We only applied for our leave and got it approved about two weeks before the trip.
  • We had initially planned to go Redang, but couldn't cos of the Malaysia school hols. =P
  • We couldn't decide at first where to stay, and the one that our friend recommended, Burasari Resort, was fully booked. Finally decided on Twinpalms, on a HSBC promo on
  • Had indigestion the night before (heavy dinner at Ember in celebration of OSC's move to greener pastures) and I couldn't sleep. Got up at 3 am, waking half the family in the process, and started doing some reading online on Phuket. DD bought me some po chai pills when he came over to pick me up and I felt a lot better after that.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Most fascinating lesson learnt this week...

... is the Adobe Photoshop smudge tool. It's so much easier to mask imperfections (---> pimples) now! ^^

Thursday, August 02, 2007


Directorate karaoke session today, with some others joining us midway. As usual, we ended off with Dancing Queen. Even though I had announced that this was the Directorate theme song, a non-directorate person joined in. It was our song... not for her to join in. Anyway, the others weren't drunk and it was 2+ to 4+ am so I guess the mood wasn't really the same also.

There is something wrong w the organisation. People keep quitting - because they are unhappy with the management (or the lack of it), because there are little prospects, or because they simply realise that there is something out there they that would really like to do. Some days I wonder if how long more I will stay. I wonder what happens when DD goes away. I guess I want to tell myself that I'm doing well in the job but more often than not, I get reminded that I've still got a LOOOOOOOOONG way to go. Will I be able to make up for my lack of skills?