Tuesday, June 12, 2007

'klEk, 'klik

I registered my unhappiness about colleague A with colleague B the other day... well, maybe more than just colleague B. I think colleague C and D were around re-registered my unhappiness with colleague B in the corridor.

What upset me was that we had just been talking about watching a movie together the week before and next thing I knew, they were all gonna watch it, without having at least just asking if I was still interested.

Maybe this is simply a case of me not being a part of the clique.

It's not the first time I've felt lousy about being "played out" in some way or another. Sometimes I think I have too much faith in people and therefore such things happen.

But you know, when colleague B first told me that he was going to watch that movie, I had a feeling that he would be watching with that clique. But I told myself, "nah... A would have asked if I was interested" or "nah... maybe A wasn't watching with B". Maybe I should trust my gut instincts more.

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