Sunday, March 05, 2006

another snippet of my life...

yesterday, SRCS' Col Lim said I'm very different from when we first met in July... and that he always tell ppl how he was more senior than me but acted as my slave in the Maldives, helping me lug my laptop everywhere. =P

I suppose it's a change for the better cos he says he only says good things about me. Made me feel really blessed cos there are people like him and Iris around at work who make u feel like the working world isn't that bad.

The boss is going away and a new boss is coming in. Wonder if he'll realise that my portfolio keeps expanding and try and get another FSO in to help out?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello lovely lady! There're many good things about you and many angels encamping around you in your workplace. :) Continue to blog, try not to be a lazy blogger like me! Heh.