We got a kitten on Saturday. Possible names thrown up during the drive to the pet shop included Meowth and Mewtwo, which evolved to Mewmew/Miumiu, so we decided on Miumew. Although Princess Di thinks we should just call her Miumiu. =P
She's about 1.5 mths old, listed on the shop receipt as a Persian. Grey stripes on grey fur, greyish green eyes.
Scratches me a lot and tries to bite me whenever we play. Hopefully she doesn't make it a habit to keep biting me... otherwise it could be quite painful when she grows up. Oh! But she licked my hand a little today. That's an improvement. I just washed my hands and they were slightly wet. Maybe she was just thirsty. Haha.
I think she burped today. She had just eaten and was about to scratch the subwoofer so I quickly lifted her up and heard a loud sound coming from her tummy.
Oh... and she doesn't seem to like catnip. Catnip is supposed to make cats go crazy right? We bought some that look like pills. She sniffs it a little, gives it a lick or two and walks away. Not interested in the catnip-smothered scratching board too. But really, who needs a scratching board when she's got a body to scratch? =P
10 years ago